Welcome to
New Grace
We’re a church who loves the central part of Fort Wayne—the 46806, 46805, 46807, 46816, 46802, and more—and we proudly gather in the Oxford Neighborhood in Southeast Fort Wayne.
We’re a church who loves the central part of Fort Wayne—the 46806, 46805, 46807, 46816, 46802, and more—and we proudly gather in the Oxford Neighborhood in Southeast Fort Wayne.
1201 McKee Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46806
Say hello, grab coffee downstairs, check in your kids if you have them, and join us for worship upstairs in the sanctuary!
Our worship services start out with engaging worship through music and prayer. Then someone will teach from the Scriptures about the life God is calling us into. Lastly, we’ll finish with a time to respond in worship and prayer.
The main theme for our gatherings? Discovering how God might be getting our attention, and then stepping out in faith together.
When you arrive, feel free to park behind the building in the parking lot off of Oliver Street, or find street parking nearby.
Once you walk in, we encourage you to say hello to someone and let them know you’re new. We have a Connection Center downstairs in the fellowship hall with more information and free coffee. The sanctuary is up the stairs on your right.
If you have young kids, you can check them in by going down the stairs to your right, then follow the signs to the children’s hallways upstairs. (Someone from our Connection Team would love to help you! Don’t be surprised if feels a bit like a maze the first time. It is a historic building after all!)
We see our services as a time to celebrate what God has done, experience his presence, and to be prepared to live differently for the week ahead.
We usually start with engaging worship, which helps us become more aware of God. Then someone will teach from the Scriptures about the life God is calling us into. Lastly, we’ll finish with a time to respond in worship and prayer.
Because we are two churches operating as one church family, various elements in the service from week to week may feel more or less familiar to you as we incorporate styles from traditionally Black churches, traditionally white churches, and Spanish-speaking congregations. It’s a truly unique opportunity to experience multi-cultural worship together!
If you have young kids, you can check them in by going down the stairs to your right, then follow the signs to the children’s hallways upstairs. (Someone from our Connection Team would love to help you! Don’t be surprised if feels a bit like a maze the first time. It is a historic building after all!)
For children who are birth through kindergarten, we have people who would love to spend time with them during the service so they can play, learn the Bible, and make crafts. Feel free to drop them off at the beginning or whenever you like.
For elementary-aged kids, you can sign them in before the service, then bring them to stay with you during worship. Before the sermon, they can head to their classroom for a special, interactive teaching.
Tenemos traducción al español en vivo durante el sermón, junto con una lectura de las Escrituras en español cada semana. ¡A menudo también cantamos partes de nuestras canciones de adoración en español! Visite la cabina de traducción el domingo en la parte trasera del Santuario para comenzar.
We have live, in-ear Spanish translation during the sermon, along with a Scripture reading in Spanish every week. We also often sing parts of our worship songs in Spanish as well! Visit the Translation Booth on Sunday in the back of the Sanctuary to get started.
Don’t feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.
We are a church who welcomes people from all life experiences:
Young, old, male, female, rich, poor, religious, atheist, married, single, divorced or living together, gay, straight, transgender, current or recovering addict, left-wing, right-wing, apolitical, black, white, brown, church background, no church background… and everything in between.
Every single person is made in the image of God, is worthy of love, experiences the pain of sin and brokenness, and can know Jesus personally.
We believe the Biblical vision for leadership involves many people throughout the church, not just “the professional pastor.” Everyone has the call to use the gifts God gives them to love, serve, and lead others. The group below is our list of ministry leaders representing both churches together in unity.
Starting in the Fall of 2022, New Life Church of God (a historically primarily Black church with a rich history in the city) and Grace Gathering Central (a multi-site church location planted in 2019 with both English and Spanish-speaking members) took the next step of faith on our journey of unity. As two separate churches, we are one spiritual family with one, combined Sunday worship service, and one mission to bless the Oxford Neighborhood and beyond.
"Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, in all, and living through all." (Ephesians 4:3-6)
Just imagine what God will do through this diverse family as a witness to the Kingdom of God!
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Since 2022, our worship gatherings have developed a culture of their own. Some weeks are led primarily by people from New Life, others are led primarily by people from Grace Gathering, but most often, Sundays are led by people from both churches together.
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We will pursue the well-being of our neighborhood through things like Soccer Thursdays for kids, meals in homes together, prayer walks, community events, and so much more.
In addition to all that, we are also committed to raising funds for a local family training center we're calling the Oxford Dream Center as we give to our giving campaign For the Sake of Others.
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