“Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb.”

Genesis 30:22

Rachel was Jacob’s dream wife.  They were very much in love.  Like most married couples, they desired to have a child so their love could walk upon the earth.  God listened to Rachel’s dream for a child, and He answered her prayer by giving them a son.  Their dream became a reality named Joseph.

It is impossible to overestimate the power and role of dreams in human existence.  Dreams have brought us lifesaving medical breakthroughs and soul-stirring revival movements.  Some of our greatest athletic achievements are the result of a personal dream.  The United States of America is the result of a dream of real democratic government by a group of patriots.  Martin Luther King changed the course of a nation because he had a dream.  Your world and “the” world can be changed because of the dream inside you.

These dreams are your daytime dreams – your vision, your hopes, your aspirations, and your desires.  A God-given dream won’t go away.  Search your heart and mind to get in touch with the dream God has put inside you.  Then pray about it and take action! 

Prayer Focus:  Pray that our church’s vision will become a reality in God’s perfect timing.  Pray that our dreams of saving friends and family through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will be a top priority. Ask God to reveal or clarify your personal dream that is His will for your life and direct you in acting on it.