“‘Here comes that dreamer!’ they said to each other.  ‘Come now,
let’s kill him…Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.’”

Genesis 37:19-20

Joseph found out what every dreamer finds out – not everyone is happy about your dream.  Joseph found out that people would envy your dream, conspire against it, speak against it, and even attack your God-given dream.  Joseph’s brothers put him in a pit and then sold him as a slave to go to Egypt.  Don’t you imagine that at that time, Joseph wondered just what in the world God was doing and if his dream would become a reality?

Remember that every God-given dream must die a human death.  That is, every dream from God will come to a place where it is impossible to accomplish the dream in human ability alone.  God is sovereign and his timing is perfect.  Remember Habakkuk 2:3b, “It (our plan to build) will certainly come and will not delay.” 

Prayer Focus:  Pray that God will give us the endurance and stamina needed to face any temporary setbacks.  Pray that all involved will experience joy on this journey of faith.  Ask God to strengthen you also as you continue to pursue your lifelong goals despite delays.