Watch the video from David Nasser- David Series | When Life Isn’t Fair

Note to Leader: Begin video at 2:54 and end video at 13:57

Most of us have experienced someone spreading a lie about us behind our backs. Sometimes these lies are simply based on unintentional misinformation and other times they are very intentional and vindictive. Our reputation is based on the views people have about us. While our reputation will never be perfect because we are imperfect people who make mistakes, what we don’t want is for people to believe lies about us or spread rumors about us.

There are many reasons why someone might believe lies, spread lies, or spread rumors. It could be jealousy, it could be their own brokenness or insecurity, it could be based on being offended by us (either rightly or wrongly). Saul felt threatened by the successes David had and this caused him to believe that David was a threat to him and was his enemy.

Saul spread these lies about David to those around him, and the result was David’s life was in danger. David was innocent of these accusations and lies and David had opportunity to punish Saul and even take him out, but he did not want to respond on a human level. He continued to submit himself and surrender himself to both God and to Saul himself since he was king.

God brings down the proud but raises up the humble. Often it is impossible to chase down rumors spread and to go around trying to correct people’s perceptions of us. When we have opportunity to correct lies and speak out against them, we must take those opportunities, but we must resist the urge to retaliate, or attempt to preserve our reputation in the human realm. Our character will always outlast the negative spread of rumors. This is process can be painful and it requires a great deal of self-control, but this spirit of surrender and submission is of great worth in God’s sight and leads to both spiritual and human breakthrough.


  1. Describe a time in your life when you were the topic of a rumor. Was your urge to run,
    retaliate, or try to preserve your reputation over time?
  2. David respected Saul even though they were not getting along. However, he had a
    “showboat moment” and cut Saul’s garment out of pride. Have you ever had the chance to get back and someone and the Holy Spirit gave you the opportunity to surrender you will to His?
  3. Kindness brings others to repentance. Pray together for opportunities to be kind, pray, and serve those who you do not get along with.
  4. Share together how the church-wide practice of surrender is going.

This week’s Churchwide Practice

This week make a significant sacrifice in an area of your life. Part of what we’re doing this week is giving up something that’s desirous in our heart so that we might in a very real way begin to get our minds around Christ giving up His life for us. A small thing can be such a profound thing–like fasting. As we feel hungry in our bellies, our hearts are reminded that we have a greater hunger and we take those moments of breakfast, lunch, dinner or whatever and use them to cry out—much like David does in the Psalms—for the Lord to be our portion, for a desire to seek Him and know Him like a deer pants for water, to have a soul that longs for Him and hungers for Him.

Ways to consider:
· Social media fast
· Watching tv
· Buying coffee/Starbucks/dining out
· Give up one meal a day
· Cutting sugar out of your diet
· Snacks between meals
· Listening to the radio in the car
· Give up 30 minutes of sleep and spend time in prayer, worship, listening
· Sports Center
· The elevator (take the stairs)