Welcome to the Weekly Update!

Discover everything going on in Grace Gathering this week and get ready for what’s next.

Groups Starting this Fall


Join us this fall as we start all new groups! Groups are a great way to meet community and build relationships with others at Grace, while also learning about Jesus and the Bible. This fall, each of our groups will engage in round-table discussions on the 7 letters of Revelation. If you are interested in joining a group, or just want to learn more go here.

Old Testament Theology Class this Fall


Oct . 11 – Nov. 29 7:00 – 8:30 Join us on Monday nights from 7pm to 8:30pm for an Old Testament Theology Class led by Chris Norman and Tim Smith. The class begins October 11th and takes place weekly through to November 29th at the East site. To find out more and sign up, go here.

Help us Run Alpha


We are in need individuals to help us run Alpha at the Parkview YMCA. Alpha is a 10-week program designed to help people ask questions about life and God. If you are interested in helping, there are several ways that you can get involved. We are in need of discussion leaders, people who can bring food, and prayer. We also want to encourage everyone at the north site to invite at least one person to join us for Alpha. Sign up here.

Candy Donations Needed


Over the next few Sundays we will be collecting candy donations for our annual ‘Trunk or Treat’ in partnership with the Y. If you would like to donate, bring candy over the next few Sundays and place it in the basket by the connection center.

Trunk or Treat October 30th


In partnership with the Meadowbrook addition, the East site will be hosting a Trunk or Treat on October 30th. If you would like to host a Trunk, please talk to Zach. We are also looking for candy donations. You can drop off any candy donations at the East site over the next few Sundays.

The 2021 Spiritual Assessment Survey Results are here!


Each year we ask individuals at all three sites to fill out our spiritual assessment survey and give us feedback on how they have grown with the Lord in the last year. If you are interested in finding out the results of our survey from this year, go here.